17 September 2006

What Can Happen

From Wall Street Journal via Kottke.org 12 September 2006.


Anonymous said...

One of the conditions of my Bermuda honeymoon this summer was a hotel with WiFi, which wasn't a simple task on that small island.

I posted everyday from Bermuda, more than once on most days, and watched my audience expand to over 300 readers a day as a result. Certainly not the thousands that many of the bloggers from the article enjoy, but a good number for me.

And my wife supported me every step of the way.

I just arranged a speaking engagement in Colorado today, a 3 day trip where I will deliver an "inspirational speech" to a bunch of educators. I'm also meeting a few bloggers out there. Again, I informed my host to ensure that I have WiFi access in my hotel room.

When my wife and I moved to a new apartment this summer, we waited 8 days for internet service and spent more than a week hacking into neighbor's networks and visiting Panera Bread and the public library, which has free WiFi.

Next week I take my students camping for 3 days, one of which I will be non-WiFi. I've aleady started worrying about it. Since late December 2005 I've only missed posting on one day... my wedding day.

There a McDonald's about 20 minutes from camp, so I'm hoping to slip out and post from there. They've been equipping themselves with WiFi for their customers.

I'm shocked that only 13% of bloggers post daily.

John Amato was right. You become your blog.

Anonymous said...

Chris, you might experiment with commening BACK to matt. see what happens.

Chris A said...


I can't BELIEVE you didn't post on your wedding day. Whatever. Couldn't take two seconds away from the reception to pop over to the nearest Taco Bell to let us know how the ceremony went? Who caught the garter?

Thanks for sharing your experiences. It is fascinating how blogs grow, no? And then, as they do, the responsibility that goes with it. You have all these desk-sittin' readers out there, bored to tears, jonesin' for a break, a breath of fresh air, a new word from mattyd. You can barely go to the bathroom.

Thanks for dropping by our class yesterday. It was great to hear your thoughts. Hear that, bloggers-at-large? Keep at it! Ya might just get asked to speak to fresh, young (sorta), blogophytes in an academic setting. So fancy.