04 October 2006

Do bodily fluids count?

So, I just want to explain my online drop-the-ball-edness lately. I've just begun some heavy traveling for my new job as recruiter for the National Theater Institute at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center in Waterford, CT.

Here is my experience at JFK airport this morning at 7:15 AM, en route to Columbus, OH, as written in an email earlier today:

Yeah, so in my sleepy stupor at the airport, not only did I have to chuck bottles of water and brand new shampoo and shaving cream because of this stupid new "no liquids" rule (which I think is a scam for the airport shops and the travel-size toiletries industry, and telling the guard that I had urine samples in my expensive shampoo bottle didn't work. Out it went.), but while I made it to the airport with PLENTY of time, I still managed to wander about, looking for Jet Blue's promised wireless access (which turned out to be faulty at best). When I finally got to my gate and sat down, THEY PAGED ME. I plunked my ass down and I heard, "WOULD CHRIS A. PLEASE COME TO GATE 22 IMMEDIATELY." I was at the desk before he finished the sentence and he tells me I'm THE LAST ONE to board. What a walk of shame that was down the aisle to the back of the plane. Zoiks.

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