25 October 2006


That's a ridiculous title. I know. When I was in Sweden and taking the free Swedish classes the country grants to immigrants (to help them quickly become a valuable member of employed society), my learning center was called Lernia. Perhaps that is why I thought that title made even the tiniest bit of sense.

We are about to move on to MetaFilter, but I had some stuff to say about Wikipedia. I was struck by the home page and appreciated its support of learning. It could just be an "enter search word here" starter page, but it is not. On it, one can find a featured article, news items, some randomly selected bits of interest, a history of today's date and, among a few other items, a list of the other reference tools Wikimedia churns out. Pretty cool. It feeds that hungry knowledge-seeker, possibly derailing her from her initial search, but providing her with new and exciting facts—sometimes just new facts.

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