19 November 2006


The Wiseass also embraces the networking aspect of blogs.

How, you might ask, could I possibly network without revealing my identity? Well, for one thing, I'm learning and benefitting a heck of a lot from reading the work--and receiving the comments of--many other bloggers, anonymous or not. And I'm also not entirely opposed to the idea of "outing" myself to other bloggers I've come to trust.

I am reminded of the first blogging convention that happened this summer. How does a gathering like this work with online personae? Now that Second Life has emerged, might this not be a better place to hold the convention, allowing more bloggers to attend, including those wanting to remain anonymous?


Melissa said...

Second Life has conventions too actually. I believe the first one was held in NYC.

Aldon Hynes said...

It is worth noting that YearlyKos is far from the first blogging convention. BloggerCon has been going on since 2003. Down south, there was the Piedmont Blog Conference in 2004 and then there was BlogHer which started in 2005.

Long before any of that, Meetup was organizing local gatherings.

As to Second Life, yeah, lots of people gather there all the time, however, it still lacks the face to face connections that most people long for.

Chris A said...

Hey, Kids! Thanks for writing and keeping me honest. It is great that you are a part of our class. I will point my readers (yes, all three of them) toward these comments. It's all about learning!