13 November 2006

The Cons of Piracy

I want to point to a post on My Left Nutmeg that may support my crazy conspiracy theories about John Kerry, fed by new information about Joe Lieberman.

To backtrack, I won an award for my paranoid delusions two year ago during the 2004 presidential election. One of my more out-there theories was that John Kerry's membership in the über-exclusive Skull & Bones Society at Yale (Dubya is also a member) trumped his membership in the Democratic Party. I could formulate a hypothesis that Kerry finagled his way into the Democratic nomination, only to throw the election at the end. I felt, you see, that he conceded way too easily, and that after the 2000 debacle, the fact that he wouldn't even entertain a recount seemed fishy to me. I thought that he might have been working for the Republicans all along.

And let me just mention Kerry's bizarre "botched joke" episode at a very sensitive time in the campaign. Kerry could have made it all go away much more quickly than he did. Was this another attempt by Kerry to taint the public's view of the Democratic Party--by making misleading statements, as a Democratic representative, and also by reminding us of all the negative imaging surrounding his own 2004 campaign, by bringing attention to himself?

NOW, we have the suspect Democrat, Joe Lieberman. Read about his turnabout here on My Left Nutmeg. This article sheds some light on some very conservative congressmen who were elected as Democrats only to abandon the party shortly thereafter. It seems awfully underhanded to pull this sort of sleight-of-hand.

I'm only here to put out ideas to chew on, my friends. It is the responsibility of the crown.


Kevin M. Keating said...

I think I can get behind your theory there, Chris. Or at least be just as unsettled by its implications.

Just one thing, though:

Wasn't John Edwards Kerry's mate?

Chris A said...

Thanks, Kevin. I guess that really is crack I've been smoking. Or else I'm just travel-weary from being on the road for two weeks.

Chris A said...

I adjusted my post. Perhaps that is frowned upon in the blogosphere.

joeydee said...

I once won an award for paranoid delusions, but I never accepted it because I was too afraid of being assassinated by pygmies as I crossed the stage to receive it.